The main forms and ways to fight the psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands yet does not remain until the end of the studied disease. The drug industry was not created tools that allow for 100% efficiency to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Often, it is diagnosed with psoriasis on his fingers. This disease is not considered deadly, but when the execution of the forms gives me a lot of the uncomfortable symptoms sick. The disease can cause complications such as psoriatic arthritis and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to cure psoriasis of the hands when the first signs.


Types of diseases

The disease manifests itself different symptomatic pattern depending on the shape the course of the disease and the localization of skin rashes. To recognize the type of the disease, it is important to know that it enjoys a form to another.

Psoriasis on the fingers of the hands. When the disease affected appear as small flakes. As the problems of these areas can become inflamed. Symptomatic the picture intensifies in the autumn-winter period, when in the human body there is a deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

The defeat of the hands. This form is diagnosed in 25% of all cases. The characteristic symptoms of psoriasis of the hands – the roughness of the skin, the appearance of spots of a similar appearance to the corn. Lesions severe itching, giving the patient discomfort.

The psoriasis on the palms of the hands. In the risk group for the disease are the people who experience regular exercise. The first signs of problems occur with small spots, covered by silver crust. Subsequently, small papules become psoriatic larger in size. In the absence of treatment, rashes, strike the side surfaces of the palm trees. Psoriasis, arising on the palms of the hands, accompanied by regular itching, which end up to become of sleep disorders and increased anxiety of the patient.

Artropaticheskiy type of problem the most serious form of the disease, which affects the joints. In the initial stages of the development of the disease affects the bone structure, and then in the pathological process involves multiple large joints. A characteristic symptom of this type of disease – pain in the bones, not accompanied by alterations of the spots on the skin.

Pustuleznyy psoriasis. The disease develops on the background of infectious diseases, strong emotional experiences or hormonal errors in the body. Skin rashes appear as small ulcers with clear boundaries. Often the rash is located in the vastness of the thumb and little finger. When the patient does not observe the same deterioration in general health.

Psoriaticheskaya eritrodermiya. The disease manifests itself on the background of a normal form of the disease with exposure to irritants. The difference of this kind of problems from others that the precipitation is spread throughout the body. eritrodermiya runs in the background of a sharp deterioration in the well-being and inflammation of the regional lymph nodes.

Psoriasis is not passed on in the home. So the fear of a contagion from a sick person, not worth the effort.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The mechanism of development of psoriasis is not yet been studied completely. The doctors emphasize different causes of infection and susceptibility to disease factors. A category of professionals refers to the disease, the autoimmune disorders in the body, the other to the hereditary forms of diseases, and compromise the functioning of the nervous system.

Among the causes of psoriasis stress also:

  • poisoning;
  • weaken the body's defenses;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • frequent stress situations;
  • allergies;
  • transferred to pathology, viral, fungal or bacterial;
  • change of climate zone;
  • the long-term use of certain groups of drugs – antibiotics, beta-blockers, antidepressants.

A predisposing factor to the appearance of psoriasis on the hands is excessive hygiene. Cosmetics and sponges deprive the skin's natural protection, and become the cause of injuries on its surface.

In its development the problem is of 4 stages:

  • In the initial phase. The disease manifests as small spots on the hands. Papules are clear contours and smooth surface. Psoriasis in the initial phase is similar to the vulgar warts on the hands. After a couple of days of precipitation grow up and begin to flake off. At the beginning of the development of the disease papules, are localized between the fingers, and then distributed in other areas.
  • The progressive phase. We celebrate the birth of new rashes on the skin of the hands. The spots become more vivid. The main reason for the appearance of this phase the problems – small lesions of the epidermis.
  • Fixed the stage. A period characterized by a decrease in the clinical picture of the disease – ended peeling of the skin, skin rashes, buy shades of blue.
  • Regressivnaya the stage. The main symptoms of a period of complete cessation of desquamation of the epidermis, resorption of papules.

From the picture you can see what it looks like psoriasis in each of the stages of development. If you suspect a problem, it is important to immediately contact a specialist and do not self-medication. Identify the presence of problems also allow the characteristic signs of psoriasis:

  • the greater dryness of the epidermis;
  • thickening of the surface of the skin;
  • cracked skin rashes;
  • the appearance of blisters elements in the center of the plates;
  • merge the individual papules in the municipality intralesional.

The defeat of the nails on the symptoms of different psoriasis, hands. The characteristic signs of this type of disease – the thickening of the flat and its stratification. The color of the nails change, and through them you can consider as skin rashes, framed red rimmed.

Sick confused psoriasis eczema on the hands, even if completely different diseases of the skin. The main difference between the diseases, with eczema lesions blurred, and when this disorder of the precipitation have well-defined limits.

Methods of treatment


Psoriasis treatment hand-must be under the supervision of a dermatologist.

The absence of symptoms of long term problems does not indicate full recovery. Experts believe that treat the disease up to the end do not succeed, however, it is possible to obtain a long-term remission.

Treatment of psoriasis on hand includes:

  • the use of drugs local action, such as creams, ointments, balms);
  • intake of oral medications;
  • physiotherapy treatments.

Many patients are wondering – how to treat psoriatic arthritis. The schema of therapy for this type of problem seems to be the same, as for the other types of psoriasis.

Local treatment

To relieve the symptomatic picture use the following ointment for psoriasis:

  • Hormonal. The main effect of the use of funds to reduce the inflammation, relieve the pain and itching.
  • Non-hormonal. Drugs to soften the symptoms of the disease without causing side effects, so it can be used for the treatment of psoriasis in children.
  • Homeopathic. Are assigned to the problem, accompanied by a strong peeling of the skin. Medicines is particularly effective in the case of damage of the joints.

Drugs total actions

The pharmacological fight with the signs of the disease is made by:

  • Antihistamines.
  • Vitamins of group b, c, and E.
  • The psychostimulants.
  • Immunomodulatory.

To cure psoriasis of the hands in a way or in the other case, it detects the expert. The doctor combines drugs in order to get the best result of their application.

Physical therapy for psoriasis

Physiotherapy is prescribed for all types of problems. Methods can reduce the time of the aggravation of the symptoms, prevent the development of consequences. With the aim of facilitating signs of problems of the sick, usually, it is prescribed:

  • cryotherapy;
  • uv irradiation;
  • girudoterapiya;
  • the laser treatment;
  • radon bath;
  • application with paraffin;
  • elektroson;
  • PUVA-therapy

Laser therapy promotes rapid regeneration of damaged areas of the skin. The manipulation is conducted under the supervision of the attending physician, which regulates the depth of penetration of the beam. The technique produces an effect also when the execution of the stages of the disease.

PUVA therapy combines 2 techniques of effects on the affected area – exposure to uv rays and fotosensibilizatory. A way that it enhances the therapeutic outcome of another. To get a visible result, the need of 20-25 session PUVA-therapy.

The main essence of the cryotherapy – the impact on the damaged zone and low temperatures. The method is applied to reduce the number of plaques on the hands and the extension of the period of remission of the disease. Cryotherapy recommend patients, where they are frequent relapses of psoriasis.

Prevention, and folk advice

Psoriasis of the hands is manifested more frequently in other areas of the body. To prevent new signs of illness must comply with rules of prevention:

  • do the cleaning of the house in rubber gloves;
  • use moisturizing creams for the hands;
  • avoid contact with the means that have aggressive chemical composition;
  • consult a dermatologist during the manifestation of the first signs of psoriasis;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • exclude from the menu fried foods, and fatty meats.

To achieve a prolonged remission of the disease is possible with the help of folk remedies from psoriasis. The main advantage of this treatment to minimize the risk of adverse reactions. Then the popular recipes can be used to address the problem of a child and a woman in the position.

You have to list the most popular recipes of alternative medicine for psoriasis on the hands:

  • Herbal infusion for oral administration: equal quantity mixed with sheets of nettle, bilberry, calendula, and horsetail. Ingredients vegetable filled with water (500 ml), mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. Before you start this treatment it is necessary to ensure the absence of allergy to honey.
  • Herbal bath. On the basis of st. john's wort, and the succession chistotela offers a bathroom: the handfuls of each ingredient vegetable add into a pan and pour 1 liter of water. The mixture is made to boil on a low heat for about 30 minutes, and then insist until cool. Hands immersed in a decoction or herbal for 20-25 minutes, and then dried them without the use of towels.
  • Ointment of tar of the birch – an effective way to combat ladonno-podoshvennyy type of pathology in the house. The drug is prepared in the following prescription: a small amount of an ingredient to pour the oil. Ointment to the platelets an unlimited number of times.

Even with all the rules of prevention, I can not forget, as it seems to psoriasis. All of the methods of pharmacological treatment, popular and physiotherapy will only give you temporary relief. Following the rules of prevention and to correctly fill in the scheme of the therapy depends on the duration of remission of the problem.

If you have useful information from an article about the therapy of psoriasis, sign up for the social network. Share your recipes of how to cure psoriasis of the hands and leave them in the comments to the article.


User reviews of the on the treatment

Light, Moscow: the Psoriasis to the hands – an incurable disease. Periodically turns periods of exacerbation and remission. The deterioration of the skin particularly evident after the stress and the consumption of fried or smoked products. Hormonal drugs give the effect, but, unfortunately, for a while. Cream relieve the symptoms of the disease during long-term use and adjust. By combining the pharmacological therapy ointment, diet, and psychological peace of mind, you may extend the period of remission of the problem.

Tamara, Nizhny Novgorod: Cure psoriasis of the hands helps the following recipe: crude protein chicken eggs that is spread on a place of damage multiple times per day. After the application of this tool, after a few days may increase the itching and the burning, therefore, a local treatment of the affected areas better combined with the intake of antihistamines. The therapy, also complete the intake of medications containing calcium and d3. Visible in direct you can feel after 2 weeks and after this treatment regimen.

Anatoly, Samara: Prevent relapse of psoriasis on the hands help simple rules:

  • A complete rejection of liqueurs, spices and sweets.
  • Regular intake of enterosorbentov 2-3 times per day.
  • Intake of fish oil 1 teaspoon three times per day.
  • A good night's sleep.
  • The treatment of the damaged areas on non-hormonal drugs
  • Wash your hands with water and soap containing tar.
  • The use of moisturizing cream for the hands.

It should be noted that such activities only allow you to time to maintain the manifestation of acute symptoms problems.